-Remote Drumming-  

 After working in studios for more than 5 years, I finally introduce my own services  
as an audio engineer and studio musician to track all your needs. The Drum Room Studios  
was born in early 2020, and has been welcoming New Orleans' local musicians since.  
The studio is fully equipped to produce top quality recordings for all your projects, and myself,  
having worked as a studio session drummer for several years in Colombia, Barcelona, Bilbao, London, and the US,  
can surely fulfill your expectations.  

In only a few simple steps you will have a fully ready drum part for your song, anywhere in the globe!  

-P R O C E S S-  

1. Get in touch! And send songs(s) you want me to work on via email. (References and previous drum demos can be attached. If any).  
    Song(s) can be send in any format you want (mp3, WAV, AIF). We will have a short chat about a suitable price for your budget,  
    and after both parts are happy with it, next step will begin!  

2. I will start arranging, and recording the drum part(s) instantly.  

3. You will get one take of the song(s) between 24 to 48 hours after received by me.  
     You will get 3 revisions from my side for any changes you want to make on the takes.  
     And please don't be scared to ask for changes.. that is my job! And I will gladly do it!  

4.  If happy with the result, I will export either a full mixed bounce of the final drum track, (mp3+WAV file),  
      or a link to all the individual raw stems, ready to drag into your DAW, and mix.   


-Multi Track Full Band-  


I addition to remote drum tracking, I can provide fully mixed multi tracked sessions for local, and touring acts,  
recorded at The Drum Room Studio.
Wether you need a live tracked session, over dubs for pre recorded sessions,  
super clean demo tracks of your project, or a tighter radio/publishing friendly mix... I got you!  
The Drum Room is equipped with all the goodies we need to produce killer tracks!  


 I can also help your needs if any mixing or editing of a pre existing recording is required.  
For this, just get in touch so we can discuss the details, references, and needs.


(Visit MUSIC link on the MENU for recorded references)   

Payments accepted via Paypal, Venmo, and Zelle.